Search, contact and investigate
Through the search engine, filter the places you want to travel to, the type of exchange you want to do, hobbies, specific needs, etc. Contact the people or families who are closest in specifications of what you are looking for. To facilitate the search we show your profile to those that are looking for the same needs and interests in your type of exchange, similar sports, hobbies, etc
Don't forget
Booking airline tickets See more with time to find cheap fares, classes, etc.
Medical and accident insurance: it is in your best interest to know the coverage (what it covers and where), the procedure in case of having an accident / illness and the expiration date. Place special emphasis on points of investigation such as:
- Damages to third parties
- Emergency medical service
- Hospitalization
- Transfers of relatives
- Transfers to hospital
- Loss of luggage.
Offers you travel insurance. Thanks to the agreement we have with this organization you can get your insurance much cheaper. Check out their special rates they offer youfor being a member of our community.