Brayan Z

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Via Families Rating

Ref: CO6709

Datos Personales:


Que quiere hacer:

Intercambio de estudiantes

Idiomas maternos:


Idiomas de interés:


Países de interés:

CanadáEstados UnidosInglaterraNueva zelandaSuiza

¿Quién soy?

My name is Brayan Zapata, I am 19 years old and I am looking for opportunities to improve my English skills. My goal is to find help from families or individuals to immerse myself in the culture and improve my level of English. I firmly believe that learning English will open many doors for me in the future, both personally and professionally.

I am particularly interested in exploring cultural exchange opportunities in Switzerland, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States. Each of these countries offers unique and challenging experiences that I believe will help me grow both as an individual and as an English speaker.
I am looking for people willing to share their experiences and advice on how to navigate these new environments. I am also open to collaborating on cultural exchange projects, whether it be volunteering, mentoring programs, or simply sharing our cultures and languages.
I am excited about the possibility of meeting new people, learning from them and, of course, improving my English. If you are also interested in cultural and language exchanges, I would be happy to talk with you and explore the possibilities together.
Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. I look forward to any response you may have.

You can contact me at gmail =>
WhatsApp => +57 3216681554
Instagram => Kxcwr_
Best regards, Brayan Zapata

Familia y Ubicación


Idiomas maternos: español

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