Hilary L
Via Families Rating
Datos Personales:
Que quiere hacer:
Recepción de estudiantes
Idiomas maternos:
inglésIdiomas de interés:
aleman español francés italianoPaíses de interés:
AlemaniaAustriaChipreEspañaFranciaItaliaTierras Australes y Antárticas Francesas¿Quién soy?
We are a family of 4 plus a family pet , a small dog called Buster .
My family enjoy playing sports , our son plays football , rugby and soccer.
We all enjoy cruising on the river Shannon which is on our doorstep . We have our own boat and spent a lot of time on that during the Summer months.We also enjoy water skiing and jet skiing .
We like to go snow skiing during the winter.
We would be delighted to host a student in our home , boys or girls are more than welcome .
Looking forward to hearing from you .
Familia y Ubicación
Idiomas maternos: inglés
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