Claudine H
Via Families Rating
Datos Personales:
Que quiere hacer:
Recepción de estudiantes
Idiomas maternos:
inglésIdiomas de interés:
aleman español francés italiano russoPaíses de interés:
AlemaniaBélgicaBrasilDinamarcaEspañaFinlandíaFranciaItaliaMexico¿Quién soy?
We have had Spanish, French, German and Italian students in the last few years and have received lovely feedback from their families .We have hosted 20 students so far through Via Families and all these parent's would have no problem giving us a reference if you would like to speak to any of them.
We live 20 min from the centre of Ireland. We are 1hr from Galway City . My family is warm and welcoming. We have a caravan we use for holidays in Ireland The girls love this, as we go to different places and have new adventures .
We are interested in students from june to end of July. We can Also do different length stays so please get in touch. if you needed to speak with parents it wouldn't be a problem.
We have availability now for September 2025 to attend school here. I arrange the school place etc for your child. Places are limited so book early.
Looking forward to hearing from a family that maybe interested in sending their child to us. 😊
Familia y Ubicación
Estudios: Graduado Escolar
Idiomas maternos: inglés
Hobbies: Animales, Juegos de mesa, Jugar a cartas, Tiempo con la família
Personalidad: Creativo, Encantador
Estudios: En la Universidad
Trabajo: Profesora
Idiomas maternos: inglés
Hobbies: Acampada, Animales, Escuchar música, Salir con los amigos
Personalidad: Amable, Cortés, Divertido, Maduro
Trabajo: Otro
Idiomas maternos: inglés
Hobbies: Manualidades
Personalidad: Agradable, Amable, Cortés, Extrovertido, Responsable
Estudios: En la Universidad
Trabajo: Profesora
Idiomas maternos: inglés
Hobbies: Cine, Escuchar música, Salir con los amigos
Personalidad: Amable, De trato fácil, Sensato
Estudios: Ningunos
Trabajo: Ingeniero
Idiomas maternos: inglés
Personalidad: Cortés, De trato fácil
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