carlos D

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Via Families Rating

Ref: ES6264

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¿Quién soy?

Hello everyone!!! We are a family of four members living in Aljaraque (Huelva), near a marvellous beach, in the South of Spain (My two daughters, my wife and me). We are a very active family which like travelling, practising sports, playing musical instruments and having an out going and healthy life. We are very interested in learning english language specially for our two daughters who are 10 and 12 years old now. We have put into practise many projects for acomplishing our objective of getting inmerse into the english language (we had many aupairs at home during the last 5 years, and we also had some houses exchange with different foreing families).... and now it´s time to go ahead with our next step... we´d like our older daughter to live the experience of living with a native english speaking family for a while, it could be 3 or 4 weeks during the 2023 summer as the best option, but we are open to study any other proporsal in that sense. For another side we offer our very cherish family for looking after your son/daughter. He/she will discover our beautiful area and the best of our culture. We will take care of him/her as our own daughter. We hope to build a beautiful relation with your family in this process, so we´d like to have the opportunity of meeting our families in advance (here in Spain or in your country). We are open to any idea you might have in order to put into practise our project. See you soon!!!!

Familia y Ubicación


Estudios: Licenciado Universitario

Trabajo: Abogado

Idiomas maternos: español

Hobbies: Escuchar música

Personalidad: Agradable


Estudios: Licenciado Universitario

Trabajo: Economista

Idiomas maternos: español

Hobbies: Natación, Tocar música

Personalidad: Activo

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