Gemma C

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Via Families Rating

Ref: ES591

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¿Quién soy?

My name is Gemma . I am married to Alvaro . We live in Barcelona, ??in a nice, quiet residential area. We have two daughters; Mar and Ana. They are nearly 15 years and nearly 14 years old. We have a dog named Lucas. It is a westie. They are two very good girls and excellent students. Mar is studying in USA this year thanks to a scholarship that was given last year. She lives in Atlanta and studies in a spectacular school. Ana is an only child this year. He is studying 3rd of ESO in the Montserrat College. It is a school that uses a method of study based on multiple intelligences. Always comes first in the ranking of the best schools in Spain. My husband works in the finance sector, and a well-known radio station in Spain. Ana has practiced hockey for many years, and also musical theater. This year has been forced to quit hockey because he overlapping schedules. It will fully devote to musical comedy, as an extracurricular activity. We would be pleased to make an exchange with a girl of her age because we believe it can enrich them much to the two girls..Ana would be happy to have even for a short time an English sister

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Idiomas maternos: español

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