Search and contact

Search and contact

In the search engine you can filter by interests or needs as well as by countries, sports, hobbies, etc.There is a specific filters section that indicates if a person or family has a specific need or interest that refers health or religions. You must discuss these specific needs in private.

On the map you can also find the families located in the area of your interest.

In your profile, according to the interests you have indicated, we will automatically select the profiles that are closest to what you are looking for.

Add profiles to your favorites list.

Contact us through our internal chat, without having to reveal your data until you decide.


In Via Families we will never share your personal data with anyone in the community, you decide yourself who you want to share this information with in the private chat area of the platform

Search the community

Search the community

To access the search engine, you just have to provide details of where you want to go and what you want to do in your profile. You can then access the network of people and families to make an exchange, host or travel.

You will be able to see the profile summary directly in the search engine and filter by your interests or needs.

On the map if you approach the country of interest you can see the availability of families by clicking on the symbol on the map. We recommend:

  • Use the filters: general and specific.
  • Establish a series of priorities that the families must have.
  • Select at least 5 families to contact
  • Ask the same questions to the 5 families, so you can compare their answers.
  • Be very frank and clear in all your questions and answers, but always polite and respectful.
  • Raise topics in conversations that interest you, especially about, dates, priorities, habits, sports, studies, family customs, family rules or customs, money issues or extra payments, arrival and departure dates, medical insurance, extracurricular activities, etc.

Contact the family

In the search engine you can filter by interests or needs as well as by countries, sports, hobbies, etc.There is a specific filters section that indicates if a person or family has a specific need or interest that refers health or religions. You must discuss these specific needs in private.

On the map you can also find the families located in the area of your interest.

In your profile, according to the interests you have indicated, we will automatically select the profiles that are closest to what you are looking for.

Plan information.See more

  • To contact the family you must do so in the family's public profile.
  • Below the profile picture you will see a blue rectangle that says CONTACT. When you click on CONTACT, the INBOX will open directly, and there you can send a message to the family.
  • Families receive a notification message to both their phone and email informing them that they have a new message in the Via Families inbox.
  • You can check whether or not they have seen your message with the green views in the message (it works the same as WhatsApp).
Contact the family

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